Thursday, April 9, 2009

Here we go!

Well, hello blog world!
If you will allow me the privilege, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. I am currently a grad student at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary studying to get my Masters of Divinity. I am called to be a pastor. Where? I don't know. That is why the blog is called what it is. It comes from two Bible verse: 1 Corinthians 9:19 and Galatians 1:10. As a pastor, I am called to be a servant to all so that I may minister to them, but I am ultimately the servant of Christ alone. In the end, it is to Him that I and everyone else on Earth must answer.
My fiancee is the most incredible woman I have ever know; she is currently in St. Kitts (about halfway between Puerto Rico and Venezuela) studying veterinary medicine at Ross University. She may only be in her first year, but I assure you that she will be one of the best vets ever!
That is plenty about me for right now, and honestly, I need to get to some school work. Maybe my next post will be more exciting.
May the incredible God of Heaven and Earth look after you, and may you know His incredible love and mercy for you at this time of the year when Christians observe the giving of the greatest gift ever in Jesus Christ's sacrifice of himself upon a cross so that any who may put their trust in him and repent might live.